


  ASME SA283 Gr.A plate is a structural carbon steel plate utilized for applications requiring low or intermediate tensile strength. This grade is used in the manufacture of storage tanks and low pressure, temperature controlled vessels. This SA283GrA steel has low and intermediate tensile strength and yield strength min [165 MPa].Katalor Industry has 20mmthick SA283GrA plate in stock and offer 20mmthick SA283GrA plate price competitive.

  For SA283GrA steel plate made from coils or with no heat treatment, additional test is required for its stress relieving, usually after steel coil is decoiled, inspection, conditining, heat treatment are required before delivering.A283GrAASME SA283/SA283M钢板也可用于锅炉和压力容器制造。现有asme SA283型钢产品形式包括钢板、钢卷、钢管、结构钢等型钢产品,如需购买20mm厚SA283型钢,请联系我们。英雄联盟赌钱网站

  Carbon Steel Plate SA283GrA Size(mm) and SA283 Gr.A Plate Stock

产品 材料 厚度 宽度 长度 重量吨 仓库
碳钢板 SA283GrC 40 1980 3500 1.230 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 120 3000 9850 1.884 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 120 3200 11100 1.884 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 110 2350 11700 2.552 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 105 2290 12000 2.037 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA One hundred. 3000 12000 1.884 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA One hundred. 2260 12000 2.072 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 95 2300 11600 1.045 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 95 2300 11500 1.045 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 90 2060 8000 1.045 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 90 2080 8450 1.045 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 90 2390 10500 3.382 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 80 2400 10700 1.879 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 80 2390 10500 1.888 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 75 2390 10700 2.289 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 75 2390 10500 2.827 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 75 2400 10900 2.253 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 70 2390 10700 3.027 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 70 2400 10700 2.754 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 70 3000 12000 3.160 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 60 2240 9500 1.005 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 60 2240 9200 1.178 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 55 2340 8200 1.603 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 50 2500 12000 1.382 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 50 2340 8200 1.425 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 45 2500 12000 1.492 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 40 2200 8500 1.244 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 30. 2500 10900 1.080 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 30. 2200 10000 2.261 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 26 2500 11480 1.596 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 26 2500 9200 1.133 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 22 2500 8400 2.261 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 22 2000 8500 1.616 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 20. 2000 8500 1.484 上海
碳钢板 SA283GrA 20. 2200 9900 1.574 上海


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